A brief glimpse into the daily happenings of a 6-year-old, his new baby brother and his family.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Company You Keep

I am beginning to think that Amy is a BAD INFLUENCE. I mean, first it was the porn* for my birthday... and then, on Thursday, she introduced me to Elvis Edition Reese's Peanut Butter & Banana Candy. Remember my Easter infatuation with the Cadbury eggs? This goes WAAAAYYYYY beyond that. I made a special trip to K-Mart (the only place I know of that carries them) today just for a bag. Good news? They were 2 for $5.00. (I spent $10.) I strongly suggest that you rush out to get some before they are gone.... that is if there are any left after I stockpile an appropriate amount for myself.

* Because now I know you're dying from the curiosity.. the porn for my birthday? A hilarious book called "Porn for Women". My favorite page is a picture of a guy reading the sports page (all his clothes are on--- it's not really porn-y porn). The caption says, "Ooh, look, the NFL playoffs are today. I bet we'll have no trouble parking at the crafts fair."

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