Stuff I Know Now That I'm a Parent #1,124,626: If you take the kid, it's not VACATION, it's a TRIP.
We spent last week at the Lake of the Ozarks in a condo/house Don has been visiting since he was young. Don and I vacationed there before we had Ben and traveled there once when Ben was still a baby. It's a annual trip we can use like a growth chart--- where we were, where we are now... ways our child can manipulate us... that sort of thing. It was great to get away from our usual routines and to spend some time together.
Some highlights from the trip (part 1):
* Ben stayed up until at least 11:30 each night. Mommy decided that the change in scenery meant he could watch DVD's in bed until he fell asleep. About 3 nights into the trip, it somehow became a movie with snack and beverage service. (I'm happy to report that, with the exception of bedTIME, our routine has returned to pre-trip status. Still going to bed WAY later than is acceptable for a toddler, but we're working on it.)
* Since he's been going to the lake since he was little, our trips are always full of tradition for Don. Go-Karts, Skee-Ball at the Dam, The Happy Fisherman (BARF..more on that later), etc.. This year, Don and Nate decided to take the boys (Ben and Will) to ride Go-Karts. Will, being older and taller, loved every minute. Ben loved waiting in line, getting into the kart, buckling his seat belt, and about 30 seconds of the ride. Evidently, on a turn, "Daddy drived CRAZY" and "BUMPED ME INTO THE SIDE". The next thing I knew, Don was making a final pit stop and Ben was making a speedy exit.
Daddy, I'm gonna be "McQueen". We're gonna go SO FAST!!
Still pretty confident. Of course, they haven't moved yet...
They LOOK like they're going to have a good time... For the rest of the week, anytime we'd drive by a Go-Kart track or anyone would mention them, Ben would get a look of panic and say, "I NOT BIG ENOUGH. Maybe when I grow and grow. 'Dough-Karts' are TOOOOOO scary."
* The one event Ben loved and couldn't get enough of was swimming... pool, lake, enormous bathtub in the master bathroom... it didn't matter. As long as he had "fwoaties" (floaties) or a "boat coat" (lifejacket) and his "fwirters" (squirters-- water guns), the kid was as happy as, well, a fish in water.
Notice the fancy, double-handed squirter action Right before we jumped in, Ben said, "Mommy. Go jump in the lake."
Luckily, he meant it literally and not figuratively. At least I don't think he did...
* On Wednesday, I think the rock star lifestyle started to catch up to him. In the middle of a swimming excursion, Ben asked to go back to the house with me. When we arrived, he laid down on the floor and burst into tears. When I finally got him to tell me what was wrong he said, "I need my jammies. I need to take a big rest." This from the child who gave up naps and who cries like a banshee anytime we mention leaving the pool. Once he got his PJ's on (at 2:00 in the afternoon), he requested a show and a banana.
Less than 5 minutes later, I looked downstairs and saw this:
Tune in tomorrow for "Don't call it a VACATION (part 2)" in which I'll explain the amazing power of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, reasons why green frosting isn't a great idea, the joy of hot rocks, and why potty chairs aren't unacceptable in a minivan.