A brief glimpse into the daily happenings of a 6-year-old, his new baby brother and his family.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Let the Sugar Coma Begin

When did celebrating Halloween become a 2-week extravaganza? There's the pumpkin patch, the Kindermusik party, the church party, school party, the trick-or-treating in the Village, and then trick-or-treating "for real" next Friday night.

The obvious question: What is Ben going to be for Halloween?
Answer: Who knows?
We bought a Power Ranger costume, but so far it's not in the cards. Or maybe he's waiting for the "real" Halloween to break out the Power Ranger suit. So far, he's worn the spider costume from last year (you know, the "Fookey Fider") and a shark costume I bought on clearance and forgot about until he found it last week. Stay tuned.

Today, we went to the pumpkin patch and then to trunk-or-treat at Asbury. We decorated the back of the van and Ben (in his shark costume) had a great time collecting candy from the other trunks. Ben managed to fill his trick-or-treat bucket over half full in less than 30 minutes.

In spite of the freezing cold (Don asked if we were trunk-or-treating or singing Christmas carols), Ben had fun and is looking forward to the week of sugar and costumes.

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