A brief glimpse into the daily happenings of a 6-year-old, his new baby brother and his family.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Me and Amy Winehouse

Oh Amy Winehouse, I feel your pain. They're tryin' to make me go to rehab, too. Tomorrow at 7:45 in the morning. Somehow I think our rehabs might be a little different considering that you're a drugged up hot mess and I just have a bad knee. Just to bring you up to speed, I've hit a bit of a hiccup in my marathon training. A month ago, I began having pain in both knees and my right knee has been a problem ever since. I got to wear a big, beautiful brace for a couple of weeks and took a break from training hoping the issue would resolve itself. It didn't. So here I am a week from my big race and I haven't run more than 2 miles in a month. Tomorrow I'll know if I can attempt to run the marathon next weekend or if I'm officially watching the race from the sidelines.

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